bile adik ama ckp, die tunjuk kt ama my pic, she cant remember me but muke mcm familiar. itu pon dah cukup to make me happy. i'm happy mase dtg rumah kamu, adik u n kazen u ckp u getting better. isma pon ckp mcm tu. alhamdulillah. memang mase kitorang dtg tu, boleh gelak2. dalam hati, menangis. memang speechless. dulu if kite sume berkumpul, mulut masing2 potpetpotpet. non stop talking. pause itu tak wujud dlm kehidupan kite kan. ade je benda nak bercakap. then gelak mcm dunia ni kite je yg ade without amek kesah org sekeliling. but now? i totally dont know nak borak ape. lebih tepat is tgh gile gigih control supaya tak nangis.
my dear, if u read dis, its not only me but all of ur frens is praying for u. honestly, i really miss ama yang dulu. yang gossip sesame. yg happening. yg banyak cakap. yg kuat gelak. get well soon dear. kitorang rindukan ama yang dulu. for those who read this entry, marilah doakan kawan ai, Nur Amalina Ariffin supaya cepat sembuh. Amin.